Deploy virtual machines on Instant Servers cloud with Java

Instant Servers is the infrastructure as a service (IaaS) system I have been working on during the last months in Telefónica Digital.

The service offers a public REST API (Cloud API) that is super simple to use. However, in this post I will show you how to manage your infrastructure using a Java client, without dealing with HTTP requests.

Build the Cloud API client

Man does not live by nodejs alone. There is an instantservers project at github you can easily clone and compile (pull requests are also welcome). In the future it will be published as a proper maven artifact, so you can skip this point.

git clone
cd ./instantservers/instantservers-api-client
mvn install

That will generate an instantservers-api-client-1.0.0.M1.jar library you can use in your own applications.

Deploy your first virtual machine

To deploy a virtual machine on Instant Servers cloud you only need to choose a name for the machine, a package that corresponds to the hardware configuration (cpu, mem, disk) you need, and a dataset that represents the image or template you want to use (i.e. ubuntu 12.04, mongodb, smartos, etc).

Let’s code speak.

package net.guidogarcia;


public class InstantServersExample {
    // there are several datacenters, I use Madrid "eu-mad" in this example
    private static final String CLOUDAPI_URL =

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        CloudAPIClient client =
                new CloudAPIClient("username", "password", CLOUDAPI_URL);

        Machine machine = new Machine();

        Machine deployed = client.createMachine(machine);
        System.out.printf("Machine id is %s", deployed.getId());

You will notice that virtual machines are up and running in a matter of seconds. This is due to the fact that the virtualization is based on rock solid Solaris zones.

You will need a username and a password to authenticate API calls, but you can sign up for Instant Servers for free (machines are still not free but you can try it for something like 6 cents per hour).

If anyone is interested in other API operations or about cloud computing in general, leave a comment and I will be happy to write more posts about it.