Getting started with Spring Roo

For those who are not familiar with it, Spring Roo is an open source tool that provides rapid application development of Java applications, using standard Java technologies underneath.

Last week I gave a presentation (slides) about how to start using Spring Roo to some co-workers in Telefónica Digital. I have recorded a video with captions for those who couldn’t attend (use fullscreen mode and 720p).

The video does not cover some interesting aspects about Spring such as Spring Data (I will write a post about it), or how to completely remove Spring Roo from your project (right button > Refactor > Push In and that is all).

If you are planning to give it a try, I strongly recommend to use Spring Roo 1.2.x in order to create layered architectures (controller + service + repository), instead of using the Active Record pattern (in words of Martin Fowler, “An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data”)

When would I use Spring Roo

Spring Roo is a relativly young project (Q4 2009), it is evolving really fast, and I think it is especially useful:

Comments are open. Where are now the Ruby on Rails guys?